Kelhi Saleh-Rog


Kelhi is an all-round lawyer who advises and litigates in all areas. She obtained her Bachelor's degree in law at the University of Curaçao in 2017. She later continued her studies in the Netherlands, where in 2019 she obtained her Master's degree in Criminal Law from the Erasmus University in Rotterdam. It is her strong belief that everyone has the right to a fair defense, when confronted with criminal proceedings.

As a true Yu di Korsou, Kelhi is fluent in Dutch, English and Papiamentu.

Kelhi interned at Murray Attorneys at Law in 2020 after graduating in the Netherlands. She later had a brief stint at another firm but joined the Murray team in December 2022.

Kelhi is married and has two children and finds family-time very important. Just like at home she has attention to detail and tackles a situation practically and solution-oriented.